
General information and goals

For vocational schools digitization becomes a challenge. The learners are a new medium because they use technical devices such as smartphones and tablets in their daily lives. However, digitization is not yet so much in focus in school. For teachers and vocational schools, changes in social life and in the economy are creating new demands. In the future, the vocational school will not only have to provide smartboards or a PC room to show that they are ready for a changed life situation, but also focus on providing courses online and integrating eLearning in their daily teaching activities.

The main objective of the EDU-VET project is to create new teaching and learning environments for VET. The project focuses on the development of e-learning courses. For this reason, the partners will design a curriculum, an online teaching approach for learning technical education at vocational schools. This supports both teachers with appropriate innovative learning resources as well as learners with innovative modern ways to deal with topics and learning activities.

In the face of ongoing technology change and the use of mobile devices, the partner is focusing on designing an innovative learning environment that combines aspects of combined learning and digital media.

Therefore, the consortium’s core ideas are to collaborate internationally to jointly develop, develop and evaluate multilingual and multimedia ECVET learning outcomes units integrated into a web-based learning platform that not only provides learning units for learners, but also community elements for working includes interactive and to promote collaboration.